
>500 ms
<500 ms
<250 ms
<75 ms
<15 ms
<5 ms


<2 Mbits
>2 Mbits
>5 Mbits
>20 Mbits
>50 Mbits
>100 Mbits


<1 Mbits
>1 Mbits
>3 Mbits
>10 Mbits
>30 Mbits
>50 Mbits

Do you want your own speed test on your website?

Try our speed test web plugin service

IP (hostname):81.111.54._ (
Date and time:06.10.2022 15:01
Download speed (down)
on 1 thread:19,26 Mbit/s (2,41 MB/s | 19 256,30 kbit/s)
on more threads (threads: 3):60,57 Mbit/s (7,57 MB/s | 60 570,52 kbit/s)
Upload speed (upload)
on 1 thread:18,07 Mbit/s (2,26 MB/s | 18 074,56 kbit/s)
on more threads (threads: 2):18,03 Mbit/s (2,25 MB/s | 18 029,90 kbit/s)
Ping (ping)
Download in:MP3 for 0,5 sec | CD for 1,5 min | DVD for 10,3 min

Speed test result 06.10.2022 - IP: 81.111.54.-

Faster than 54% users.
Jitter 12,6 ms

On this site you can test your internet connection for free.

We recommend you to lower or stop all other internet activities during the test. In other cases the test results are less precise.

Outputs of this test:

  • download broadband speed test - what speed are data from the testing server downloaded by
  • upload speed - what speed are data to the testing server uploaded by
  • web ping - the time needed to send and receive a small amount of data, quite similar to regular ping, but tested by a TCP packet through the HTTP service

How do Internet speed measurements work?

From the user’s perspective, everything is simple. In the web browser, click on the measurement button and wait. Before starting the speed test, it is important to deactivate all tasks, applications and devices that could use the capacity to connect to the Internet. The results would be affected by that and you would not find out anything, or the conclusions would not have the required notification value.

The technical solution and the background of the speed test itself are complex, but to explain it in a few words and very simplistically, the test simulates a situation in which you download or upload data. The measured values ​​are calculated depending on the speed of these transmission. You can test the speed of up to 30 test servers located in geographically different locations.