Try our speed test web plugin service
Quantum technologies are relentlessly approaching and promise to revolutionize many areas. Quantum internet and quantum compasses are within our reach. A future without hackers and GPS may become a reality sooner than we think. However, scientists still face numerous obstacles, overcoming which may not be straightforward.
You hear about 5G from all sides, but you are still not sure what it actually is and how it differs from 4G? This article will explain the key differences between 4G and 5G networks, from speed and latency to their impact on the battery life of your mobile device.
On this site you can test your internet connection for free.
We recommend you to lower or stop all other internet activities during the test. In other cases the test results are less precise.
Outputs of this test:
From the user’s perspective, everything is simple. In the web browser, click on the measurement button and wait. Before starting the speed test, it is important to deactivate all tasks, applications and devices that could use the capacity to connect to the Internet. The results would be affected by that and you would not find out anything, or the conclusions would not have the required notification value.
The technical solution and the background of the speed test itself are complex, but to explain it in a few words and very simplistically, the test simulates a situation in which you download or upload data. The measured values are calculated depending on the speed of these transmission. You can test the speed of up to 30 test servers located in geographically different locations.
Is your Netflix lagging? Is YouTube taking forever to load? The problem could be your internet speed. Find out how fast your connection needs to be for smooth streaming in standard, high, and ultra-high definitions.
Satellite internet is becoming an increasingly accessible alternative to traditional forms of connection. But how does it work, and is it really that reliable? Find out if satellite internet is the right solution for you and how different providers' offerings compare.
Stay online even on the go? Whether you want to share experiences with loved ones, plan a route, or simply pass the time with a movie, the internet is indispensable. But how can you ensure fast and secure connection outside of home? Explore various options with us, from mobile data and public Wi-Fi networks to specialized solutions that provide internet even on vacation.