News How to find out the IP address of the router?

How to find out the IP address of the router?

Do you know the IP address of your router and do you have it stored somewhere? Then everything is fine. However, if you hesitate and ask what the IP address is and what it is used for, be sure to read on, as there may be situations at any time when you can make good use of the obtained information.

What is an IP address?

It is an abbreviation of the term Internet Protocol (as it sounds in the full name in English) and represents a number that uniquely identifies a network interface in a computer network using the IP protocol. It is therefore used to distinguish network interfaces connected to a computer network, it can be, for example, a router, a network card (Ethernet, Wi-Fi), IrDA port or virtual devices (loopback, interface for a virtual computer, etc.). Using the IP protocol, all devices actually communicate with each other via the Internet. The data are transmitted between network interfaces in the form of IP datagrams.

What do you actually need an IP address for

The answer is very simple - without an IP address it is not possible to communicate with the device, connect it or control it. So if you forget the IP address of your home router (you wrote it down somewhere and you just can't find the damn piece of paper now), it's not possible to reconnect to it and adjust its settings, which is quite a trouble. But don't be in despair, if you know how to do it, you can find out the address of the device (in this case of the router) and then it will be after the problem! So how to do it?

Step by step instructions

  • At the command line, type "ipconfig/all" and press ENTER
  • Press [Windows]+[R] to start the command line, type "cmd" into the box "Open", and then click "OK." The command will announce the entire configuration of the network settings, from which you will find the line Default Gateway, where you will also find the IP address of the router Then launch the Internet browser and copy the obtained IP address in the field for the web address. After pressing the ENTER key, you will be asked for a name and password to access to the router

There is also another way

  • You can also find the IP address of the router by selecting the process through the Network Connection Center. In this case, follow these steps:
  • First, by the right button of the mouse on the network icon (in notification area of Windows), then select "Open the center of internet concession and sharing" from the menu. The next step is to click on the name of the connection, then in the next window on the "Details" button In the Network Connection Details window, the IP address of your router will appear in the Default Gateway line. If (for any reason) you cannot connect to the router via a Wi-Fi network, you can use a network cable to connect to the router. Therefore, you need to connect the network card in your computer to the LAN port and follow the steps above

How to proceed with the operation system Windows 10?

You have two options at your disposal, so you will definitely choose the one that will seem more feasible. And if it doesn't happen just in case, all that remains is to go the other way. You will definitely reach your goal, you need to proceed slowly, prudently and follow this procedure:


  • Select Search Windows (magnifying glass symbol) and then type "Network Connections" to open the control panel "Show Network Connections"
  • Use the right button, which is located above the adapter that is connected to the router you are using, to select "Status"
  • Select the adapter that is used to connect the router - this can be "Ethernet" (for network cable connection) or Wi-Fi adapter (for wireless Wi-Fi)
  • Now select "Details" from the card and look for the "Default IPv4 Gateway" line in the following card "Network Connection Details", which contains the router's IP address you are looking for
  • Type the obtained IP address into the command line used of the internet browser, then just enter the username and password for login


  • Use the [Windows]+[R] keyboard shortcut to bring up the "Launch" app
  • Type "cmd" (without the quotes!) into the "Open" window
  • Then type "ipconfig/all" at the command line
  • The information will be displayed from which you select the Default Gateway, and here there is displayed the IP address of your router in use

When you are selecting the adapter you are using for the connected router, select depending on the used connection - Ethernet (if you are connected via a network cable) or Wi-Fi adapter (if you are using a wireless Wi-Fi connection)

These procedures are quite universal, in addition to Windows 10, they can also be used for Windows 8.1 and Windows 7.

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